On Tuesday, 1 November 2011, global law firm Orrick will host a panel discussion on the current trends in the use of stock incentives by growing companies. The event will focus on practical rather than technical aspects and will bring together a number of experts in the field. Topics will include: current market rules of thumb for grants to attract talent; getting the valuation you need agreed with HMRC; trends in vesting schedules; cautionary tales on missing out on EMI treatment; and claw-back for leavers after the Skype controversy.
Confirmed panel members include:
Nick Thornton, Tax Partner: Orrick, London (Chair of Panel)
Tony Hindley, Principal: Valuation Solutions (ex HMRC Valuation Office)
James Lindon, Share Schemes Specialist: Orrick, London
Brett Putter, Managing Partner: Emerging Technologies, The Forsyth Group
Giles Hawkins, Senior Associate: Orrick, London